How to Turn Your Menstrual Products Green

Did you know that the average menstruating person produces 250-300 pounds of waste in their lifetime? When it comes to managing “that time of the month”, most individuals often opt for readily available single-use products like tampons and sanitary pads, but this leads to a significant environmental impact. Not only do these products contribute to significant environmental waste, but many conventional menstrual pads and tampons contain harmful chemicals like phthalates and parabens, which can disrupt hormone function and upset the natural balance of vaginal bacteria. There’s got to be a better way, right? Luckily, we’ve compiled some eco-friendly options to help you find the best solution!

Menstrual Cups

Menstrual cups offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional products. Made from medical-grade silicone, latex, or rubber, these reusable cups collect menstrual fluids and can be worn for up to 12 hours. They produce significantly less plastic waste compared to pads and tampons and can last for years with proper care.

Period Underwear

Featuring absorbent layers made from microfiber polyester, period underwear can hold as much as one or two tampons’ worth of menstrual blood. Some companies also offer period swimwear and athletic shorts. Though pricey, these garments can last for about two years if properly cared for.

Reusable Menstrual Pads

Reusable pads function similarly to disposable pads but can be rinsed, washed, and reused. They are typically made from natural fivers and can last for at least five years, making them a sustainable option in the long run.

Cost Consideration

While eco-friendly menstrual products may seem expensive at first, they prove to be cost-effective over time. For instance, investing in a menstrual cup, which can be used for up to ten years, is comparable in cost to a year’s supply of tampons.

Greener Disposable Options

If reusable products aren’t feasible, there are still ways to make disposable options more environmentally friendly. Opt for non-chlorine bleached pads and tampons made from organic cotton and free from harmful chemicals. You can also consider reusable tampon applicators as an alternative to disposable ones.

If you’re considering transitioning to eco-friendly menstrual products, the positive impacts extend to not only reducing environmental impact but also promoting healthier and more sustainable menstruation practices for your own body.